Immigration Policy Debates:

Immigration Policy Debates:

 Economic Impacts, Labour Market Dynamics and Social Integration Introduction: Why are countries tightening immigration laws? Amidst the current global landscape, countries like the UK, Australia, Canada, and France have implemented various immigration policies, from...


-Kesa Zahera Introduction: Amartya Sen, in his paper “Equality of What”, puts forward the idea of freedom in economic discourse. He encapsulates the idea of social well-being and how it correlates to economic development. This heralded a new form of economic thinking,...
Unravelling the Political Economy of Elections

Unravelling the Political Economy of Elections

Introduction: Elections stand as the cornerstone of democratic societies, representing the collective voice of the people in selecting their leaders. However, beneath the surface, elections unfold as a captivating interplay of money, politics, and societal dynamics....