GAEE India publishes original research articles on a wide range of economics topics. Successful publication on GAEE India’s Journal guarantees priority consideration for inclusion on GAEE International’s flagship journal, the GJAE.
The GAEE Journal for Aspiring Economists (GJAE) is the flagship publication of the Global Association of Economics Education (GAEE International), aiming at providing a platform for high-level economics discourse among students in developing countries and marginalized communities through our free-to-publish open-access model.
A platform for Indian economics students & scholars
At GAEE India, we champion the promotion of empowerment of Indian aspiring economists through high-quality education and discourse. Embracing this value at heart, the GAEE India’s Journal has been launched to sustain an open platform for high-level economics discourse among Indian students.
Submission Guidelines
For more info, Please contact [email protected]
Applicants must be in the process of completing an undergraduate or college degree at the time of submission. We typically do not accept manuscripts from faculty members; however, you are welcomed to email us at [email protected] to make an inquiry.
Terms and Conditions of Submission
Types of Articles
Review articles provide an overview of the published literature in a particular subject area.
Short communication is an option for authors who want to share their results in short form with the research community.
Letters to the Editors are sent to GJAE about issues of concern from its readers.
Preparation of Manuscript
Title Page
• The full title of the paper without abbreviations. The title should be as brief and informative as possible, specifying clearly the content of the article.
• List the full names, institutional address and email address of all the authors indicating the corresponding author in asterisk mark (*).
• Corresponding author contact information (address, telephone, e-mail).
• Paper Title: First letter capital. 14 point type, Bold
• Author(s): First letter capital, 12 point type, Bold
• Affiliation(s): Word case, 10 point type
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
• 300dpi or higher sized to fit journal page
• JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PDF formats are preferred. Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading.
Conflicts of Interest
You may elect to use other citation styles, but please stick to only one to ensure consistency. Please indicate in the manuscript or via email which style you are using.
In-Text Citations
Citations in the text should follow the referencing style. Throughout the text of your paper you need to acknowledge the sources used in your writing. Whenever you present a statement of evidence such as a quote, or when you use someone else’s ideas, opinions or theories in your own words (paraphrasing), you must acknowledge your sources. Some examples of how to cite sources within your paper are given below.
Single Author
Author’s Last name (Year)….”paraphrase”
Paraphrase (Author’s Last name, Year)
Example: Smith (2017) shares in his study that fruit flies prefer citrus fruits
Fruit flies prefer citrus fruits (Smith, 2017)
Two authors
Use “and” between authors
Example 1: (Walker and Allen, 2004)
Example 2: According to a study done by Kent and Giles (2017)
Three or more authors
(Germann et al., 2015)
With an Anonymous author
(Anonymous, 2016)
One author, multiple works published in the same year
If the year of publication is the same for both add ‘a’ and ‘b’ after the year.
(Rush, 2015a, 2015b).
Two or more references in in-text citation
If you need to cite two or more references in an in-text citation
(Allen, 2004; Smith, 1999; Tsvetkova, 2018)
A reference list includes details of the sources cited in your paper. It starts on a separate page at the end of the paper and is titled References. The reference list should sort in alphabetical order.
Examples of Reference Style
Reference to a journal publication:
Single Author
Geman, F. (2015). The chief marketing officer atters. Journal of Marketing, 79(3), 1–22.
Two Authors
Horowitz, L.M., and Post, D.L. (1981). The prototype as a construct in abnormal psychology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 90(6), 575-585
Three or more authors
Use “and” before the final author.
Germann, F., Ebbes, P., and Grewal, R. (2015). The chief marketing officer atters. Journal of Marketing, 79(3), 1–22.
Journal article with DOI
Cavenagh, N., and Ramadurai, R. (2017). On the distances between Latin squares
and the smallest defining set size. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 25(4), 147–158.
For Books
King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand: Viking.
Dancey, C.P., and Reidy, J. (2004). Statistics without maths for psychology: Using SPSS for Windows (3rd ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Book chapter in edited book
Kestly, T. (2010). Group sandplay in elementary schools. In A.A. Drewes and C.E. Shaefer (Eds.), School-based play therapy (2nd ed., pp. 257-282). Hoboken, NJ: John Wileys & Sons.
Conference paper online
Bochner, S. (1996, November). Mentoring in higher education: Issues to be addressed in developing a mentoring program. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Singapore. Retrieved from
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. (n.d.). Agribusiness. Retrieved from
Latest Articles
Below are some articles from our latest issue. The next issue is expected to be launch in early October, and the deadline for submission is September 1st.
Sample Journal Article
For Article posts, please choose the category of "Article". Vestibulum consectetur tempor congue. Duis eu ante dui. Vivamus in nibh eu magna facilisis luctus ut quis nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam sit amet tristique ipsum, nec...
Next Issue: October 2021
We are accepting manuscripts for our upcoming issue. Deadline for submission is September 1st.
Get Involved
We are accepting application from scholars and academics to join our editorial board. If you are a student, you may also join as an editorial assistant.
We are committed to the promotion of economics education, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship incubation for students in developing countries and marginalized communities.
Contact GAEE India
Mahatma Hans Raj Marg, Hansraj College, Malka Ganj, Delhi, 110007.